Director's Greeting

Centre for Quality Assurance (Pusat Penjaminan Kualiti, PPQ) was established on 1st October 2001, initiated by Vice Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr.Ir. Mohd Noor b Haji Salleh, with the approval from Board of Directors. The centre was under the supervision of Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic and Professor Dato’ Dr. Isahak Haron was appointed as the first director.
On 1 November 2003, Associate Prof. Mohd Taib Ariffin was appointed as the second PPQ to replace the first director whose contract expired on 31 October 2003. In line with international requirements, PPQ has taken steps to obtain certification of MS ISO 9001: 2000. The initial step was to organize workshop about MS ISO 9001:2000 to all academic staff. Due to health condition, Associate Prof. Mohd Taib Ariffin resigned and the post was succeeded by Associate Prof. Dr. Nagendralingan Ratnavadivel effective 1st July 2004.
To this date, BPAQ is run under a director, three coordinators, a senior assistant registrar, an assistant registrar, ICT officer, ICT assistant and four administrative assistants.